Payment Policy

Payment Policy for Clients: Bank Error and Collection Procedures

1. Bank Error Resolution:

In the event that a client experiences difficulty making a payment due to a bank error, our company is committed to resolving the issue promptly and with understanding. Clients are encouraged to notify our billing department as soon as they become aware of any banking discrepancies affecting their ability to make timely payments.

2. Three Write-ups Per Month:

Upon notification of a bank error hindering payment, the client will be issued up to three writeups per month. These writeups serve as a temporary grace period to allow the client to rectify the payment issue. During this period, no additional fees or penalties will be applied.

3. Notification Process:

The client will receive written communication for each writeup, clearly indicating the outstanding amount, the reason for the writeup, and the deadline for resolution. Our team will work closely with the client to provide any necessary assistance or clarification during this period.

4. Collection Department Intervention:

If, after three writeups, the client has not made satisfactory arrangements to resolve the payment issue, the matter will be escalated to our collection department. The collection department will take appropriate actions to recover the outstanding amount owed.

5. Collection Process:

The collection process may involve additional fees, increased communication from the collection department, and, if necessary, reporting the unpaid amount to credit bureaus. Clients are strongly urged to communicate with the collection department to find a mutually agreeable resolution and avoid any adverse impact on their credit history.

6. Communication Channels:

Throughout this process, open and transparent communication is encouraged. Clients facing difficulties are urged to contact our billing department to discuss their situation and explore alternative payment arrangements. Our goal is to work collaboratively with clients to find solutions that are fair and reasonable.

7. Exceptional Circumstances:

Our company understands that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we are open to considering exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Clients facing genuine hardships are encouraged to reach out to discuss their situation and explore possible alternatives.

By implementing this payment policy, our company aims to maintain a fair and transparent approach while ensuring the financial health of the business.