What Principle Underlies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of therapy that is focused on rationalizing your negative thoughts and behavior. Therapists can achieve this by challenging mental errors and reshaping them rationally. Therapists tailor treatments as per the individual’s needs, but there are 10 underlying principles that are for everyone.

Before we dive deep into the principles of CBT, we need to understand what this type of therapy actually is.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

In simple words, cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of therapy or psychological treatment that involves the link between thoughts, emotions, and a person’s behavior. CBT is not only goal-oriented but also time-based and that is also considered to be a structured treatment. This Psychological treatment is used for a variety of mental illnesses such as anxiety, and depression.

What are the Principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Although it is widely suggested that therapy should be tailored to the individual’s needs but there is a general structure that needs to be defined and followed. Judith Beck came up with 10 principles that underlie cognitive behavioral therapy for all patients. These principles are as follows:

  1. CBT is based on an ever-evolving formulation of patients’ problems and an individual conceptualization of each patient in cognitive terms.
  2. CBT requires a sound therapeutic alliance.
  3. CBT emphasizes collaboration and active participation.
  4. CBT focuses on goals and problems in a detailed way.
  5. CBT initially emphasizes the present.
  6. CBT is educative, aims to teach the patient to be their own therapist, and emphasizes relapse prevention.
  7. CBT focuses on time limitations.
  8. CBT sessions focus on following a structure.
  9. CBT teaches patients to identify, evaluate, and respond to their dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs.
  10. CBT uses a variety of techniques to change thinking, mood, and behavior.

1. CBT is based on an ever-evolving formulation of patients’ problems and an individual conceptualization of each patient in cognitive terms

Therapists are able to identify the patient’s problematic behavior and thinking pattern with this principle. Many factors are considered such as the patient’s life experiences, including the ones such as childhood experiences. An idea or a conceptualization is formed on the basis of the information that is gathered. This idea is further refined on the basis of more information that is gathered through each session that is conducted.

2. CBT requires a sound therapeutic alliance

Out of many principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, this one is the most important. Having an open and honest relationship with the therapist is the most important part. The therapist should be able to provide warmth, care, and empathy to the patient.

3. CBT emphasizes collaboration and active participation

This principle focuses on teamwork throughout the sessions. The therapist expects participation from the patient for long-lasting results.

4. CBT focuses on goals and problems in a detailed way

Goals are highly important when it comes to evaluating, diagnosing, or treating the patient. It is important for both the patient and therapist to set goals, especially during the initial sessions. This helps the patient identify the problematic areas.

5. CBT initially emphasizes the present

The treatment should focus on the patient’s current problems that are distressing him.

6. CBT is educative, aims to teach the patient to be their own therapist, and emphasizes relapse prevention

Teaching the patient process to understand how their thoughts influence their emotions and behavior, and how to identify and evaluate their thoughts and beliefs.

7. CBT focuses on time limitations

In easy words, it takes 4 to 16 sessions to treat anxiety disorder or depression. However, for patients with severe mental illnesses, it can take time which ranges from months to years.

8. CBT sessions focus on following a structure

Out of so many principles of CBT, this one makes the treatment so special. A structured treatment helps increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment and that is what both the patient and the therapist require. The process includes the following structures or points:

  • Introduction: Setting an agenda for the session along with a mood check before starting the session.
  • Middle: Reviewing the sessions, and discussing the problems within the agenda along with summarizing.
  • Final: Drawing the necessary conclusions or feedback.

9. CBT teaches patients to identify, evaluate, and respond to their dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs

Therapists help patients adopt more realistic and rational perspectives. To achieve this goal, the therapists help the patients by guiding them to question their thoughts and evaluate their thinking. Therapists also help their patients by creating behavioral experiments to test their thinking.

10. CBT uses a variety of techniques to change thinking, mood, and behavior

Problem-solving techniques are highly important in cognitive behavioral therapy. Depending on the patient’s mental condition the therapist will select the techniques.

Now that you are familiar with the 10 principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, start testing and shaping your thoughts with the help of a therapist.


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